
Welcome to IQTest

The world’s premier Intelligence Quotient testing service


Equal opportunity testing with an emphasis on growth learning

We offer a wide range of aptitude tests to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses. We ensure each one of your students is performing to their true potential and identify any supports they may require.

Defense Forces

Comprehensive aptitude and psychometric analysis for military and police use

There is a wide variety of positions and job profiles in defense forces each demanding a certain set of skills. Our aptitude tests empower recuriters to make informed decisions with regard to matching requisites to abilities and personalities.

Job Applications

Predict real-world job performance using our scientifically validated tests

Our screening tests identify the best candidates and make your hiring decisions faster, easier, and bias-free. Our unique personality and value tests allow you to get to know your applicants as real people – not just pieces of paper.

Personal Testing

Discover your IQ as well as your cognitive strengths and weaknesses with our online test

Our vast collections of data and intelligent sampling ensures our online IQ test is the most accurate available. We take special care to avoid sampling and cultural biases. We offer a certified IQ score and a multiple intelligences report.

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